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Desert Landscape


Shalom dear friends,​


Our names are Michael, & Genevieve

Michael is a proud Italian American Jew, and his beautiful wife Genevieve is the most amazing, hard working, loving person you could ever meet in this world. They have 4 amazing children, and 5 grandchildren!


Our hearts are with the Jewish Nation of Israel.

In the past we have spent a large portion of our lives supporting Israel and its beautiful people.


In wake of Oct 7th, and the ongoing war, we have decided we cannot stand by, while our family in Israel suffers on so many levels. There is no other option; we must return to the land we love, and serve our people.


Our goal is to serve the Jewish Nation; to bring help and relief, where ever we can. We have our hearts, our hands and our feet!


We also actively provide resource information for those who also wish to volunteer. We do our best to keep the information and opportunities flowing through social media, and the "Resources" tab on this website.



We arrived in Israel on June 12th and spent for amazing and fast paced weeks serving in the war efforts. View our gallery to see some of our volunteer work.

We volunteered with several Jewish organizations.

Leket - Tachlit - Eran's Angels - Thank Israeli Soldiers

It was truly an honor!


April 2025

Our goal is 30,000 USD.

Can You Help?

Thank You!!!!!! 


​​We are not, a non-profit organization. It's just us, doing our little part! As we join forces together with others from around the world, this is how we make a difference, this is how we bless a nation...

The Jewish Nation of Israel!


Thank You!

Michael, & Genevieve

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